Goodbye 2020 - Hello 2021

Goodbye 2020 - Hello 2021

It has been a hell of a ride, ups and downs and very interesting things in between 😂 this has been my 2020 - and after last night I am more than ready for a new season. I am still hoping for snow with every cell in my body but as well does every cell feel the sense of spring coming up 😍🤫

Or maybe it just comes with the first month that is bringing me already a great challenge - Andrea Ehrhardts #31DayChallenge 👩🏻‍🎨 - yes, that means that I will paint something every day. For the whole January. Isn‘t it exciting?! I am excited :D though yesterday I was panicking about what I should paint - should I pick a theme - do I want to paint on canvases or paper - those questions one gets when it is all about to start 😅 

Then I remembered one of the pictures I had chosen for our intern family review of 2020 ➡️ we do this every year and for some time now with photos: 3 for the year that sum up our highlights/our important turns and twist but this year was somehow special as my brother brought up the idea of adding one more to not only look back but to look forward, too. So everyone was encouraged to find something that one wishes for/wants to achieve/to accomplish and put it in line with the review.

Mine, is a picture I painted (if I remember correctly) on one of the very first days of 2018 - it is one of 2 or 3 pictures that I painted to visualize the life/the moments/the feelings I want to attract into my life and I still want to experience that wonder, fascination, calmness, peace, happiness, colorful world that is all around us. 

So my intentions for 2021 are finding more of these moments but especially that moment under a sky full of stars with no big cities around that could block their lights ✨ going out into the world, experiencing and jumping into new adventures and share them with everyone of you

I wish you all a wonderful Start into 2021 and may you find what you wish for this year 



#ArtistAcademy #31DayChallenge #Tausendträumer #color #newadventures #painting

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